Monthly Archives: January 2013

Furry Widdle Bunny #2 Starts Down the Bunny Trail

Nearly a bunch of years after the release of Furry Widdle Bunny #1, work on the second issue has begun!

Nate Higley tentatively agreed to come back as artist, with the understanding that the script would not call for giraffes or bicycles.

As you can see from the script screenshot below, I’m all about respecting artist requests.


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Wild Women Promo Image #3

Science goes KRUNK! in this panel from the upcoming comic “Wild Women of the Kitty-Kat Galaxy!”

Wendi’s colors draw on Rafer’s work on his Billy and Gravely story “Blargh! The Creature from Kraaka-5!” That was an homage to Jack Kirby, and its aged appearance and classic style was a direct influence on the Wild Women crew!

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Wild Women Promo Image #2

As the coloring continues, I wanted to share the first totally complete panel!

It’s, um, not gonna be one for the kids. 🙂


This panel sums up the relationship between Gravely and Billy in one question, a deflecting statement, a smart-aleck observation, and an evocative sound effect. So even if you never read “Dope Fiends of the Zombie Cafe!”, you’re all caught up!

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