Monthly Archives: August 2014

Expanding the Borders

Some times three panels just aren’t enough. Then you have to figure out where to fit an extra one. Here’s what I wound up with for the layout of a Furry Widdle Bunny strip I worked on this afternoon.

4 Panel Layout

Crazy, right? Even with this I’ll wind up with art breaking through one of the panels…


Pencilling the FWB Strip

With six weeks remaining before the debut of the weekly Furry Widdle Bunny strip, I’ve started pencilling the first storyline. Here’s an in-progress peek at the very first panel, awaiting finishing and colors!

1st Panel of the FWB Weekly Strip (Pencil)

The lettering is completed, barring any minor nudging, and I’m pretty happy with how the custom font is working out.

I’ve settled on really thick borders, not rigidly squared. It has a nice bold feel to it that I like. FWB started without any panel borders at all, which I still think worked for the opinion page look it was shooting for. Funny page strips thrive on borders, though, so I’m over-compensating by giving more border than required.

Onward to “inking”!

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Panel Patter Spotlights Rafer Roberts

Hula Cat friend and collaborator Rafer Roberts is going to SPX, and Panel Patter’s Rob McMonigal has some nice words about what’s in the works.

Panel Patter: SPX Spotlight on Rafer Roberts

If you haven’t read “Nightmare the Rat”, I heartily encourage you to check it out. It’s goofy and unsettling, all at once, and the eponymous tooth-stealing rodent is hardly the weirdest or worst denizen of Hell City.

Nightmare the Rat

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